
Authors: Type:


  • [PDF] J. Liu, “Towards fast and robust algorithms in flash x-ray single-particle imaging,” PhD Thesis, 2020.
    title  = "Towards Fast and Robust Algorithms in Flash X-ray single-particle Imaging",
    author  = "Liu, J.",
    year  = 2020,
    school  = "Uppsala Universitet",
    month  = "February",
  • [DOI] A. Munke, K. Kimura, Y. Tomaru, and K. Okamoto, “Capsid structure of a marine algal virus of the order picornavirales,” Journal of virology, vol. 94, iss. 9, 2020.
    title  = "Capsid structure of a marine algal virus of the order Picornavirales",
    author  = "Munke, A. and Kimura, K. and Tomaru, Y. and Okamoto, K.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Journal of Virology",
    volume  = "94",
    number  = "9",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1128/JVI.01855-19},
  • [DOI] P. J. Ho, B. J. Daurer, M. Hantke, J. Bielecki, A. Al Haddad, M. Bucher, G. Doumy, K. R. Ferguson, L. Flückiger, T. Gorkhover, B. Iwan, C. Knight, S. Moeller, T. Osipov, D. Ray, S. H. Southworth, M. Svenda, N. Timneanu, A. Ulmer, P. Walter, J. Hajdu, L. Young, D. P. Univ Chicago, J. F. I. Univ Chicago, F. Maia, C. Bostedt, D. P. &. A. Northwestern Univ, C. V. Paul Scherrer Inst, and L. L. U. X. S. Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, “The role of transient resonances for ultra-fast imaging of single sucrose nanoclusters,” Nature communications, vol. 11, 2020.
    title  = "The role of transient resonances for ultra-fast imaging of single sucrose nanoclusters",
    author  = "Ho, P. J. and Daurer, B. J. and Hantke, M. and Bielecki, J. and Al Haddad, A. and Bucher, M. and Doumy, G. and Ferguson, K. R. and Flückiger, L. and Gorkhover, T. and Iwan, B. and Knight, C. and Moeller, S. and Osipov, T. and Ray, D. and Southworth, S. H. and Svenda, M. and Timneanu, N. and Ulmer, A. and Walter, P. and Hajdu, J. and Young, L. and Univ Chicago, D. P. and Univ Chicago, J. F. I. and Maia, F. and Bostedt, C. and Northwestern Univ, D. P. &. A. and Paul Scherrer Inst, C. V. and Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, L. L. U. X. S.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Nature Communications",
    volume  = "11",
    number  = "",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1038/s41467-019-13905-9},
  • [PDF] A. Munke, “Small particles with big impact : structural studies of viruses and toxicological studies of nanodiamonds,” PhD Thesis, 2020.
    title  = "Small Particles with Big Impact : Structural Studies of Viruses and Toxicological Studies of Nanodiamonds",
    author  = "Munke, A.",
    year  = 2020,
    school  = "Uppsala Universitet",
    month  = "April",
  • [DOI] P. C. Andrikopoulos, Y. Liu, A. Picchiotti, N. Lenngren, M. Kloz, A. S. Chaudhari, M. Precek, M. Rebarz, J. Andreasson, D. P. Chalmers Univ Technol, J. Hajdu, B. Schneider, and G. Fuertes, “Femtosecond-to-nanosecond dynamics of flavin mononucleotide monitored by stimulated raman spectroscopy and simulations,” Physical chemistry, chemical physics – pccp, vol. 22, iss. 12, 2020.
    title  = "Femtosecond-to-nanosecond dynamics of flavin mononucleotide monitored by stimulated Raman spectroscopy and simulations",
    author  = "Andrikopoulos, P. C. and Liu, Y. and Picchiotti, A. and Lenngren, N. and Kloz, M. and Chaudhari, A. S. and Precek, M. and Rebarz, M. and Andreasson, J. and Chalmers Univ Technol, D. P. and Hajdu, J. and Schneider, B. and Fuertes, G.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP",
    volume  = "22",
    number  = "12",
    pages  = 6538--6552,
    doi  = {10.1039/c9cp04918e},
  • [DOI] S. M. Vinko, V. Vozda, I. P. Czech Acad Sci, J. Andreasson, D. P. Chalmers Univ Technol, S. Bajt, J. Bielecki, T. Burian, J. Chalupsky, O. Ciricosta, M. P. Desjarlais, H. Fleckenstein, J. Hajdu, V. Hajkova, P. Hollebon, L. Juha, M. F. Kasim, E. E. McBride, K. Muehlig, T. R. Preston, D. S. Rackstraw, S. Roling, S. Toleikis, J. S. Wark, and H. Zacharias, “Time-resolved xuv opacity measurements of warm dense aluminum,” Physical review letters, vol. 124, iss. 22, 2020.
    title  = "Time-Resolved XUV Opacity Measurements of Warm Dense Aluminum",
    author  = "Vinko, S. M. and Vozda, V. and Czech Acad Sci, I. P. and Andreasson, J. and Chalmers Univ Technol, D. P. and Bajt, S. and Bielecki, J. and Burian, T. and Chalupsky, J. and Ciricosta, O. and Desjarlais, M. P. and Fleckenstein, H. and Hajdu, J. and Hajkova, V. and Hollebon, P. and Juha, L. and Kasim, M. F. and McBride, E. E. and Muehlig, K. and Preston, T. R. and Rackstraw, D. S. and Roling, S. and Toleikis, S. and Wark, J. S. and Zacharias, H.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Physical Review Letters",
    volume  = "124",
    number  = "22",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.225002},
  • [DOI] T. Oelze, O. Kulyk, B. Schuette, U. Fruehling, L. C. 1. Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, E. Klimesova, B. Jagielski, L. Dittrich, M. Drescher, L. C. 1. Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, R. Pan, N. Stojanovic, R. 2. DLR Inst Opt Sensor Syst, V. Polovinkin, K. P. Khakurel, K. Mühlig, I. J. B. Macias, S. Duesterer, B. Faatz, J. Andreasson, M. Wieland, L. C. 1. Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, M. Krikunova, and I. P. Czech Acad Sci, “Thz streak camera performance for single-shot characterization of xuv pulses with complex temporal structures,” Optics express, vol. 28, iss. 14, 2020.
    title  = "THz streak camera performance for single-shot characterization of XUV pulses with complex temporal structures",
    author  = "Oelze, T. and Kulyk, O. and Schuette, B. and Fruehling, U. and Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, L. C. 1. and Klimesova, E. and Jagielski, B. and Dittrich, L. and Drescher, M. and Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, L. C. 1. and Pan, R. and Stojanovic, N. and DLR Inst Opt Sensor Syst, R. 2. and Polovinkin, V. and Khakurel, K. P. and Mühlig, K. and Macias, I. J. B. and Duesterer, S. and Faatz, B. and Andreasson, J. and Wieland, M. and Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, L. C. 1. and Krikunova, M. and Czech Acad Sci, I. P.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Optics Express",
    volume  = "28",
    number  = "14",
    pages  = 20686--20703,
    doi  = {10.1364/OE.393547},
  • [DOI] E. Sobolev, S. Zolotarev, K. Giewekemeyer, J. Bielecki, K. Okamoto, H. K. N. Reddy, J. Andreasson, K. Ayyer, M. P. I. Struct, L. C. 1. Dynam Matter, I. Barak, S. Bari, A. Barty, R. Bean, S. Bobkov, H. N. Chapman, H. C. U. I. Univ Hamburg, D. P. Univ Hamburg, G. Chojnowski, B. J. Daurer, K. Doerner, T. Ekeberg, L. Flueckiger, O. Galzitskaya, I. T. &. E. B. Russian Acad Sci, L. Gelisio, S. Hauf, B. G. Hogue, D. A. Horke, H. C. U. I. Univ Hamburg, A. Hosseinizadeh, V. Ilyin, C. Jung, C. Kim, Y. Kim, R. A. Kirian, H. Kirkwood, O. Kulyk, J. Kuepper, H. C. U. I. Univ Hamburg, D. P. Univ Hamburg, R. Letrun, N. D. Loh, K. Lorenzen, M. Messerschmidt, K. Mühlig, A. Ourmazd, N. Raab, A. Rode, M. Rose, A. Round, T. Sato, R. Schubert, P. Schwander, J. A. Sellberg, M. Sikorski, A. Silenzi, C. Song, J. C. H. Spence, S. Stern, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, A. Teslyuk, N. Timneanu, M. Trebbin, C. Uetrecht, H. P. I. Leibniz Inst Expt Virol, B. Weinhausen, G. J. Williams, P. L. Xavier, M. P. I. Struct, L. C. 1. Dynam Matter, C. Xu, I. A. Vartanyants, M. M. E. P. I. Natl Res Nucl Univ, V. S. Lamzin, A. Mancuso, and F. R. N. C. Maia, “Megahertz single-particle imaging at the european xfel,” Communications physics, vol. 3, iss. 1, 2020.
    title  = "Megahertz single-particle imaging at the European XFEL",
    author  = "Sobolev, E. and Zolotarev, S. and Giewekemeyer, K. and Bielecki, J. and Okamoto, K. and Reddy, H. K. N. and Andreasson, J. and Ayyer, K. and Max Planck Inst Struct & Dynam Matter, L. C. 1. and Barak, I. and Bari, S. and Barty, A. and Bean, R. and Bobkov, S. and Chapman, H. N. and Univ Hamburg, H. C. U. I. and Univ Hamburg, D. P. and Chojnowski, G. and Daurer, B. J. and Doerner, K. and Ekeberg, T. and Flueckiger, L. and Galzitskaya, O. and Russian Acad Sci, I. T. &. E. B. and Gelisio, L. and Hauf, S. and Hogue, B. G. and Horke, D. A. and Univ Hamburg, H. C. U. I. and Hosseinizadeh, A. and Ilyin, V. and Jung, C. and Kim, C. and Kim, Y. and Kirian, R. A. and Kirkwood, H. and Kulyk, O. and Kuepper, J. and Univ Hamburg, H. C. U. I. and Univ Hamburg, D. P. and Letrun, R. and Loh, N. D. and Lorenzen, K. and Messerschmidt, M. and Mühlig, K. and Ourmazd, A. and Raab, N. and Rode, A. and Rose, M. and Round, A. and Sato, T. and Schubert, R. and Schwander, P. and Sellberg, J. A. and Sikorski, M. and Silenzi, A. and Song, C. and Spence, J. C. H. and Stern, S. and Sztuk-Dambietz, J. and Teslyuk, A. and Timneanu, N. and Trebbin, M. and Uetrecht, C. and Leibniz Inst Expt Virol, H. P. I. and Weinhausen, B. and Williams, G. J. and Xavier, P. L. and Max Planck Inst Struct & Dynam Matter, L. C. 1. and Xu, C. and Vartanyants, I. A. and Natl Res Nucl Univ, M. M. E. P. I. and Lamzin, V. S. and Mancuso, A. and Maia, F. R. N. C. ",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Communications Physics",
    volume  = "3",
    number  = "1",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1038/s42005-020-0362-y},
  • [DOI] J. Bielecki, F. R. N. C. Maia, A. P. Mancuso, and L. T. I. M. S. La Trobe Univ, “Perspectives on single particle imaging with x rays at the advent of high repetition rate x-ray free electron laser sources,” Structural dynamics, vol. 7, iss. 4, 2020.
    title  = "Perspectives on single particle imaging with x rays at the advent of high repetition rate x-ray free electron laser sources",
    author  = "Bielecki, J. and Maia, F. R. N. C. and Mancuso, A. P. and La Trobe Univ, L. T. I. M. S.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Structural dynamics",
    volume  = "7",
    number  = "4",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1063/4.0000024},
  • [DOI] L. Gunn, E. Martin Avila, R. Birch, and S. M. Whitney, “The dependency of red rubisco on its cognate activase for enhancing plant photosynthesis and growth,” Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, vol. 117, iss. 41, 2020.
    title  = "The dependency of red Rubisco on its cognate activase for enhancing plant photosynthesis and growth",
    author  = "Gunn, L. and Martin Avila, E. and Birch, R. and Whitney, S. M.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",
    volume  = "117",
    number  = "41",
    pages  = 25890--25896,
    doi  = {10.1073/pnas.2011641117},
  • [DOI] K. Okamoto, R. J. Ferreira, D. S. D. Larsson, F. R. N. C. Maia, H. Isawa, K. Sawabe, K. Murata, J. Hajdu, K. Iwasaki, T. A. R. A. T. Univ Tsukuba, P. M. Kasson, N. Miyazaki, and T. A. R. A. T. Univ Tsukuba, “Acquired functional capsid structures in metazoan totivirus-like dsrna virus,” Structure, vol. 28, iss. 8, 2020.
    title  = "Acquired Functional Capsid Structures in Metazoan Totivirus-like dsRNA Virus",
    author  = "Okamoto, K. and Ferreira, R. J. and Larsson, D. S. D. and Maia, F. R. N. C. and Isawa, H. and Sawabe, K. and Murata, K. and Hajdu, J. and Iwasaki, K. and Univ Tsukuba, T. A. R. A. T. and Kasson, P. M. and Miyazaki, N. and Univ Tsukuba, T. A. R. A. T.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Structure",
    volume  = "28",
    number  = "8",
    pages  = 888--+,
    doi  = {10.1016/j.str.2020.04.016},
  • [DOI] K. H. Kim, D. C. POSTECH, A. Spah, H. Pathak, C. Yang, S. Bonetti, D. M. S. &. N. Ca Foscari Univ Venice, K. Amann-Winkel, D. Mariedahl, D. Schlesinger, D. E. S. Stockholm Univ, B. C. C. R. Stockholm Univ, J. A. Sellberg, D. Mendez, G. van der Schot, H. Y. Hwang, J. Clark, O. Shigeki, T. Tadashi, Y. Harada, H. Ogasawara, T. Katayama, A. Nilsson, and F. Perakis, “Anisotropic x-ray scattering of transiently oriented water,” Physical review letters, vol. 125, iss. 7, 2020.
    title  = "Anisotropic X-Ray Scattering of Transiently Oriented Water",
    author  = "Kim, K. H. and POSTECH, D. C. and Spah, A. and Pathak, H. and Yang, C. and Bonetti, S. and Ca Foscari Univ Venice, D. M. S. &. N. and Amann-Winkel, K. and Mariedahl, D. and Schlesinger, D. and Stockholm Univ, D. E. S. and Stockholm Univ, B. C. C. R. and Sellberg, J. A. and Mendez, D. and van der Schot, G. and Hwang, H. Y. and Clark, J. and Shigeki, O. and Tadashi, T. and Harada, Y. and Ogasawara, H. and Katayama, T. and Nilsson, A. and Perakis, F.",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Physical Review Letters",
    volume  = "125",
    number  = "7",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.076002},
  • [DOI] S. Sala, D. P. &. A. Univ Southampton, M. I. L. Lund Univ, B. J. Daurer, M. Odstrcil, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, M. F. Hantke, M. Manfredda, N. D. Loh, D. P. Natl Univ Singapore, P. Thibault, and F. R. N. C. Maia, “Pulse-to-pulse wavefront sensing at free-electron lasers using ptychography,” Journal of applied crystallography, vol. 53, 2020.
    title  = "Pulse-to-pulse wavefront sensing at free-electron lasers using ptychography",
    author  = "Sala, S. and Univ Southampton, D. P. &. A. and Lund Univ, M. I. L. and Daurer, B. J. and Odstrcil, M. and Capotondi, F. and Pedersoli, E. and Hantke, M. F. and Manfredda, M. and Loh, N. D. and Natl Univ Singapore, D. P. and Thibault, P. and Maia, F. R. N. C. ",
    year  = 2020,
    journal  = "Journal of applied crystallography",
    volume  = "53",
    number  = "",
    pages  = 949--956,
    doi  = {10.1107/S1600576720006913},


  • [PDF] A. Pietrini, “Statistical processing of flash x-ray imaging of protein complexes,” PhD Thesis, 2019.
    title  = "Statistical processing of Flash X-ray Imaging of protein complexes",
    author  = "Pietrini, A.",
    year  = 2019,
    school  = "Uppsala Universitet",
    month  = "January",
  • [DOI] A. J. Morgan, S. P. Univ Melbourne, K. Ayyer, M. P. I. Struct, L. C. 1. Dynam Matter, L. C. 1. Ctr Free Electron Laser Sci, A. Barty, J. P. J. Chen, T. Ekeberg, D. Oberthuer, T. A. White, O. Yefanov, H. N. Chapman, D. P. Univ Hamburg, and L. C. 1. Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, “Ab initio phasing of the diffraction of crystals with translational disorder,” Acta crystallographica a: foundation and advances, vol. 75, 2019.
    title  = "Ab initio phasing of the diffraction of crystals with translational disorder",
    author  = "Morgan, A. J. and Univ Melbourne, S. P. and Ayyer, K. and Max Planck Inst Struct & Dynam Matter, L. C. 1. and Ctr Free Electron Laser Sci, L. C. 1. and Barty, A. and Chen, J. P. J. and Ekeberg, T. and Oberthuer, D. and White, T. A. and Yefanov, O. and Chapman, H. N. and Univ Hamburg, D. P. and Ctr Ultrafast Imaging, L. C. 1.",
    year  = 2019,
    volume  = "75",
    number  = "",
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    doi  = {10.1107/S2053273318015395},
  • [DOI] J. Schulz, J. Bielecki, R. B. Doak, K. Doerner, R. Graceffa, R. L. Shoeman, M. Sikorski, P. Thute, D. Westphal, A. P. Mancuso, and D. C. &. P. La Trobe Univ, “A versatile liquid-jet setup for the european xfel,” Journal of synchrotron radiation, vol. 26, 2019.
    title  = "A versatile liquid-jet setup for the European XFEL",
    author  = "Schulz, J. and Bielecki, J. and Doak, R. B. and Doerner, K. and Graceffa, R. and Shoeman, R. L. and Sikorski, M. and Thute, P. and Westphal, D. and Mancuso, A. P. and La Trobe Univ, D. C. &. P.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "Journal of Synchrotron Radiation",
    volume  = "26",
    number  = "",
    pages  = 339--345,
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  • [DOI] J. R. Helliwell, W. Minor, M. S. Weiss, E. F. Garman, R. J. Read, J. Newman, M. J. van Raaij, J. Hajdu, and E. N. Baker, “Findable accessible interoperable re-usable (fair) diffraction data are coming to protein crystallography,” Acta crystallographica section d: structural biology, vol. 75, 2019.
    title  = "Findable Accessible Interoperable Re-usable (FAIR) diffraction data are coming to protein crystallography",
    author  = "Helliwell, J. R. and Minor, W. and Weiss, M. S. and Garman, E. F. and Read, R. J. and Newman, J. and van Raaij, M. J. and Hajdu, J. and Baker, E. N.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology",
    volume  = "75",
    number  = "",
    pages  = 455--457,
    doi  = {10.1107/S2059798319004844},
  • [DOI] J. Bielecki, M. F. Hantke, B. J. Daurer, H. K. N. Reddy, D. Hasse, D. S. D. Larsson, L. H. Gunn, M. Svenda, A. Munke, J. A. Sellberg, L. Flueckiger, A. Pietrini, C. Nettelblad, I. Lundholm, G. Carlsson, K. Okamoto, N. Timneanu, D. Westphal, O. Kulyk, A. Higashiura, G. van der Schot, N. D. Loh, T. E. Wysong, C. Bostedt, T. Gorkhover, B. Iwan, M. M. Seibert, T. Osipov, P. Walter, P. Hart, M. Bucher, A. Ulmer, D. Ray, G. Carini, K. R. Ferguson, I. Andersson, J. Andreasson, J. Hajdu, and F. R. N. C. Maia, “Electrospray sample injection for single-particle imaging with x-ray lasers,” Science advances, vol. 5, iss. 5, 2019.
    title  = "Electrospray sample injection for single-particle imaging with x-ray lasers",
    author  = "Bielecki, J. and Hantke, M. F. and Daurer, B. J. and Reddy, H. K. N. and Hasse, D. and Larsson, D. S. D. and Gunn, L. H. and Svenda, M. and Munke, A. and Sellberg, J. A. and Flueckiger, L. and Pietrini, A. and Nettelblad, C. and Lundholm, I. and Carlsson, G. and Okamoto, K. and Timneanu, N. and Westphal, D. and Kulyk, O. and Higashiura, A. and van der Schot, G. and Loh, N. D. and Wysong, T. E. and Bostedt, C. and Gorkhover, T. and Iwan, B. and Seibert, M. M. and Osipov, T. and Walter, P. and Hart, P. and Bucher, M. and Ulmer, A. and Ray, D. and Carini, G. and Ferguson, K. R. and Andersson, I. and Andreasson, J. and Hajdu, J. and Maia, F. R. N. C.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "Science Advances",
    volume  = "5",
    number  = "5",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1126/sciadv.aav8801},
  • [DOI] E. Klimesova, O. Kulyk, Y. Gu, L. Dittrich, I. O. &. A. P. Tech Univ Berlin, G. Korn, J. Hajdu, M. Krikunova, I. O. &. A. P. Tech Univ Berlin, J. Andreasson, and D. P. Chalmers Univ Technol, “Plasma channel formation in nir laser-irradiated carrier gas from an aerosol nanoparticle injector,” Scientific reports, vol. 9, 2019.
    title  = "Plasma channel formation in NIR laser-irradiated carrier gas from an aerosol nanoparticle injector",
    author  = "Klimesova, E. and Kulyk, O. and Gu, Y. and Dittrich, L. and Tech Univ Berlin, I. O. &. A. P. and Korn, G. and Hajdu, J. and Krikunova, M. and Tech Univ Berlin, I. O. &. A. P. and Andreasson, J. and Chalmers Univ Technol, D. P.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "Scientific Reports",
    volume  = "9",
    number  = "",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.1038/s41598-019-45120-3},
  • [DOI] K. Mühlig, A. M. Ganan-Calvo, J. Andreasson, D. P. Chalmers Univ Technol, D. S. D. Larsson, J. Hajdu, and M. Svenda, “Nanometre-sized droplets from a gas dynamic virtual nozzle,” Journal of applied crystallography, vol. 52, 2019.
    title  = "Nanometre-sized droplets from a gas dynamic virtual nozzle",
    author  = "Mühlig, K. and Ganan-Calvo, A. M. and Andreasson, J. and Chalmers Univ Technol, D. P. and Larsson, D. S. D. and Hajdu, J. and Svenda, M.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "Journal of applied crystallography",
    volume  = "52",
    number  = "",
    pages  = 800--808,
    doi  = {10.1107/S1600576719008318},
  • [DOI] H. K. N. Reddy, M. Carroni, J. Hajdu, and M. Svenda, “Electron cryo-microscopy of bacteriophage pr772 reveals the elusive vertex complex and the capsid architecture,” Elife, vol. 8, 2019.
    title  = "Electron cryo-microscopy of bacteriophage PR772 reveals the elusive vertex complex and the capsid architecture",
    author  = "Reddy, H. K. N. and Carroni, M. and Hajdu, J. and Svenda, M.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "eLIFE",
    volume  = "8",
    number  = "",
    pages  = ,
    doi  = {10.7554/eLife.48496},
  • [DOI] J. R. Burke, S. B. Calif State Univ San Bernardino, J. J. La Clair, R. N. Philippe, C. Manus Biosynth, A. Pabis, M. Corbella, J. M. Jez, D. B. Washington Univ, G. A. Cortina, M. Kaltenbach, M. E. Bowman, G. V. Louie, K. B. Woods, A. T. Nelson, D. S. Tawfik, S. C. L. Kamerlin, and J. P. Noel, “Bifunctional substrate activation via an arginine residue drives catalysis in chalcone isomerases,” Acs catalysis, vol. 9, iss. 9, 2019.
    title  = "Bifunctional Substrate Activation via an Arginine Residue Drives Catalysis in Chalcone Isomerases",
    author  = "Burke, J. R. and Calif State Univ San Bernardino, S. B. and La Clair, J. J. and Philippe, R. N. and Manus Biosynth, C. and Pabis, A. and Corbella, M. and Jez, J. M. and Washington Univ, D. B. and Cortina, G. A. and Kaltenbach, M. and Bowman, M. E. and Louie, G. V. and Woods, K. B. and Nelson, A. T. and Tawfik, D. S. and Kamerlin, S. C. L. and Noel, J. P.",
    year  = 2019,
    journal  = "ACS Catalysis",
    volume  = "9",
    number  = "9",
    pages  = 8388--8396,
    doi  = {10.1021/acscatal.9b01926},
  • [DOI] D. Hasse, J. Hülsemann, G. Carlsson, K. Valegård, and I. Andersson, “Structure and mechanism of piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase from streptomyces clavuligerus,” Acta crystallographica section d: structural biology, vol. 75, 2019.
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    title  = "Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser",
    author  = "Seibert, M. M. and Ekeberg, T. and Maia, F. R. N. C. and Svenda, M. and Andreasson, J. and Joensson, O. and Odic, D. and Iwan, B. and Rocker, A. and Westphal, D. and Hantke, M. and DePonte, D. P. and Barty, A. and Schulz, J. and Gumprecht, L. and Coppola, N. and Aquila, A. and Liang, M. and White, T. A. and Martin, A. and Caleman, C. and Stern, S. and Abergel, C. and Seltzer, V. and Claverie, J. and Bostedt, C. and Bozek, J. D. and Boutet, S. and Miahnahri, A. A. and Messerschmidt, M. and Krzywinski, J. and Williams, G. and Hodgson, K. O. and Bogan, M. J. and Hampton, C. Y. and Sierra, R. G. and Starodub, D. and Andersson, I. and Bajt, S. and Barthelmess, M. and Spence, J. C. H. and Fromme, P. and Weierstall, U. and Kirian, R. and Hunter, M. and Doak, R. B. and Marchesini, S. and Hau-Riege, S. P. and Frank, M. and Shoeman, R. L. and Lomb, L. and Epp, S. W. and Hartmann, R. and Rolles, D. and Rudenko, A. and Schmidt, C. and Foucar, L. and Kimmel, N. and Holl, P. and Rudek, B. and Erk, B. and Hoemke, A. and Reich, C. and Pietschner, D. and Weidenspointner, G. and Strueder, L. and Hauser, G. and Gorke, H. and Ullrich, J. and Schlichting, I. and Herrmann, S. and Schaller, G. and Schopper, F. and Soltau, H. and Kuehnel, K. and Andritschke, R. and Schroeter, C. and Krasniqi, F. and Bott, M. and Schorb, S. and Rupp, D. and Adolph, M. and Gorkhover, T. and Hirsemann, H. and Potdevin, G. and Graafsma, H. and Nilsson, B. and Chapman, H. N. and Hajdu, J.",
    year  = 2011,
    journal  = "Nature",
    volume  = "470",
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  • [DOI] H. N. Chapman, P. Fromme, A. Barty, T. A. White, R. A. Kirian, A. Aquila, M. S. Hunter, J. Schulz, D. P. DePonte, U. Weierstall, R. B. Doak, F. R. N. C. Maia, A. V. Martin, I. Schlichting, L. Lomb, N. Coppola, R. L. Shoeman, S. W. Epp, R. Hartmann, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, L. Foucar, N. Kimmel, G. Weidenspointner, P. Holl, M. Liang, M. Barthelmess, C. Caleman, S. Boutet, M. J. Bogan, J. Krzywinski, C. Bostedt, S. Bajt, L. Gumprecht, B. Rudek, B. Erk, C. Schmidt, A. Hoemke, C. Reich, D. Pietschner, L. Strueder, G. Hauser, H. Gorke, J. Ullrich, S. Herrmann, G. Schaller, F. Schopper, H. Soltau, K. Kuehnel, M. Messerschmidt, J. D. Bozek, S. P. Hau-Riege, M. Frank, C. Y. Hampton, R. G. Sierra, D. Starodub, G. J. Williams, J. Hajdu, N. Timneanu, M. M. Seibert, J. Andreasson, A. Rocker, O. Jönsson, M. Svenda, S. Stern, K. Nass, R. Andritschke, C. Schroeter, F. Krasniqi, M. Bott, K. E. Schmidt, X. Wang, I. Grotjohann, J. M. Holton, T. R. M. Barends, R. Neutze, S. Marchesini, R. Fromme, S. Schorb, D. Rupp, M. Adolph, T. Gorkhover, I. Andersson, H. Hirsemann, G. Potdevin, H. Graafsma, B. Nilsson, and J. C. H. Spence, “Femtosecond x-ray protein nanocrystallography,” Nature, vol. 470, iss. 7332, 2011.
    title  = "Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography",
    author  = "Chapman, H. N. and Fromme, P. and Barty, A. and White, T. A. and Kirian, R. A. and Aquila, A. and Hunter, M. S. and Schulz, J. and DePonte, D. P. and Weierstall, U. and Doak, R. B. and Maia, F. R. N. C. and Martin, A. V. and Schlichting, I. and Lomb, L. and Coppola, N. and Shoeman, R. L. and Epp, S. W. and Hartmann, R. and Rolles, D. and Rudenko, A. and Foucar, L. and Kimmel, N. and Weidenspointner, G. and Holl, P. and Liang, M. and Barthelmess, M. and Caleman, C. and Boutet, S. and Bogan, M. J. and Krzywinski, J. and Bostedt, C. and Bajt, S. and Gumprecht, L. and Rudek, B. and Erk, B. and Schmidt, C. and Hoemke, A. and Reich, C. and Pietschner, D. and Strueder, L. and Hauser, G. and Gorke, H. and Ullrich, J. and Herrmann, S. and Schaller, G. and Schopper, F. and Soltau, H. and Kuehnel, K. and Messerschmidt, M. and Bozek, J. D. and Hau-Riege, S. P. and Frank, M. and Hampton, C. Y. and Sierra, R. G. and Starodub, D. and Williams, G. J. and Hajdu, J. and Timneanu, N. and Seibert, M. M. and Andreasson, J. and Rocker, A. and Jönsson, O. and Svenda, M. and Stern, S. and Nass, K. and Andritschke, R. and Schroeter, C. and Krasniqi, F. and Bott, M. and Schmidt, K. E. and Wang, X. and Grotjohann, I. and Holton, J. M. and Barends, T. R. M. and Neutze, R. and Marchesini, S. and Fromme, R. and Schorb, S. and Rupp, D. and Adolph, M. and Gorkhover, T. and Andersson, I. and Hirsemann, H. and Potdevin, G. and Graafsma, H. and Nilsson, B. and Spence, J. C. H.",
    year  = 2011,
    journal  = "Nature",
    volume  = "470",
    number  = "7332",
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    title  = "A Common Structural Basis For The Inhibition Of Ribulose",
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