condor.particle package


condor.particle.particle_abstract module

class condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle(diameter, diameter_variation=None, diameter_spread=None, diameter_variation_n=None, rotation_values=None, rotation_formalism=None, rotation_mode='extrinsic', number=1.0, arrival='synchronised', position=None, position_variation=None, position_spread=None, position_variation_n=None, material_type='water', massdensity=None, atomic_composition=None, electron_density=None)[source]

Bases: condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle

Base class for derived particle classes that make use of the continuum approximation (density instead of discrete atoms)

diameter (float):
 (Mean) particle diameter in unit meter
diameter_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
rotation_values (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_formalism (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
number (float):Expectation value for the number of particles in the interaction volume. (defaukt 1.)
arrival (str):Arrival of particles at the interaction volume can be either 'random' or 'synchronised'. If sync at every event the number of particles in the interaction volume equals the rounded value of number. If 'random' the number of particles is Poissonian and number is the expectation value. (default 'synchronised')
position (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle (default None)
position_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
material_type (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default 'water')
massdensity (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
atomic_composition (dict):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
electron_density (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
add_material(material_type, massdensity, atomic_composition, electron_density)[source]

Initialise and add the AtomDensityMaterial / ElectronDensityMaterial class instance to the particle

material_type (str):
 See condor.utils.material.AtomDensityMaterial
massdensity (float):
 See condor.utils.material.AtomDensityMaterial
atomic_composition (dict):
 See condor.utils.material.AtomDensityMaterial
electron_density (float):
 See condor.utils.material.ElectronDensityMaterial

Get configuration in form of a dictionary


Iterate the parameters of the Particle instance and return them as a dictionary

set_diameter_variation(diameter_variation, diameter_spread, diameter_variation_n)[source]

Set the variation scheme of the particle diameter

diameter_variation (str):

Variation of the particle diameter

Choose one of the following options:

diameter_variation Type of variation
None No diameter variation
'normal' Normal (Gaussian) variation
'uniform' Uniformly distributed diameters within spread limits
'range' Equidistant sequence of diameter_variation_n diameter samples within diameter_spread
diameter_spread (float):

Statistical spread

diameter_variation_n (int):

Number of particle-diameter samples within the specified range


The argument diameter_variation_n takes effect only if diameter_variation='range'

set_material(material_type, massdensity, atomic_composition, electron_density)[source]

Initialise and set the AtomDensityMaterial / ElectronDensityMaterial class instance of the particle

material_type (str):
 See condor.utils.material.AtomDensityMaterial
massdensity (float):
 See condor.utils.material.AtomDensityMaterial
atomic_composition (dict):
 See condor.utils.material.AtomDensityMaterial
electron_density (float):
 See condor.utils.material.ElectronDensityMaterial
class condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle(rotation_values=None, rotation_formalism=None, rotation_mode='extrinsic', number=1.0, arrival='synchronised', position=None, position_variation=None, position_spread=None, position_variation_n=None)[source]

Base class for every derived particle class

 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_formalism (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
number (float):Expectation value for the number of particles in the interaction volume. (defaukt 1.)
arrival (str):Arrival of particles at the interaction volume can be either 'random' or 'synchronised'. If sync at every event the number of particles in the interaction volume equals the rounded value of number. If 'random' the number of particles is Poissonian and number is the expectation value. (default 'synchronised')
position:(Mean) position vector [x, y, z] of the particle. If set to None the particle is placed at the origin (default None)
position_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)

Get configuration in form of a dictionary


Return current orientation of the particle in form of an instance of condor.utils.rotation.Rotation


Iterate the parameters of the Particle instance and return them as a dictionary


Iterate the number of partices

set_alignment(rotation_values, rotation_formalism, rotation_mode)[source]

Set rotation scheme of the partice

 Array of rotation parameters. For simulating patterns of many shots this can be also a sequence of rotation parameters. Input None for no rotation and for random rotation formalisms. For more documentation see condor.utils.rotation.Rotations (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 If the rotation shall be assigned to the particle choose 'extrinsic'. Choose 'intrinsic' if the coordinate system shall be rotated (default 'extrinsic')
set_position_variation(position_variation, position_spread, position_variation_n)[source]

Set position variation scheme

position_variation (str):

Statistical variation of the particle position (default None)

Choose one of the following options:

position_variation Type of variation
None No positional variation
'normal' Normal (Gaussian) variation
'uniform' Uniformly distributed positions within spread limits
'range' Equidistant sequence of position_variation_n position samples within position_spread
position_spread (float):

Statistical spread of the particle position

position_variation_n (int):

Number of position samples within the specified range in each dimension


The argument position_variation_n takes effect only in combination with position_variation='range'

condor.particle.particle_map module

class condor.particle.particle_map.ParticleMap(geometry, diameter=None, diameter_variation=None, diameter_spread=None, diameter_variation_n=None, dx=None, map3d=None, map3d_filename=None, map3d_dataset=None, emd_id=None, rotation_values=None, rotation_formalism=None, rotation_mode='extrinsic', flattening=0.75, number=1.0, arrival='synchronised', position=None, position_variation=None, position_spread=None, position_variation_n=None, material_type=None, massdensity=None, atomic_composition=None, electron_density=None)[source]

Bases: condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle

Class for a particle model

Model: Refractive index map sampled on a cubic grid (continuum approximation)

geometry (str):

Geometry type

Choose one of the following options:

  • 'custom' - provide map either with an HDF5 file (map3d_filename, map3d_dataset) or with a numpy array (map3d)
  • 'icosahedron' - create map of a uniformly filled icosahedron
  • 'cube' - create map of a uniformly filled cube
  • 'sphere' - create map of a uniformly filled sphere
  • 'spheroid' - create map of a uniformly filled spheroid
diameter (float):

Particle diameter (not map diameter)

diameter_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
dx:Distance between grid points of the map. This needs to be specified only if geometry=`\custom''. Depending on whether the geometry is specified by file (``map3d_filename, map3d_dataset) or by numpy array (map3d) for more documentation see set_custom_geometry_by_h5file() or set_custom_geometry_by_array() respectively (default None)
map3d:See set_custom_geometry_by_array() (default None)
map3d_filename:See set_custom_geometry_by_h5file() (default None)
map3d_dataset:See set_custom_geometry_by_h5file() (default None)
emd_id:See set_custom_geometry_by_emd_id() (default None)
rotation_values (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_formalism (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
flattening (float):
 (Mean) value of \(a/c\), takes only effect if geometry='spheroid' (default 0.75)
number (float):Expectation value for the number of particles in the interaction volume. (defaukt 1.)
arrival (str):Arrival of particles at the interaction volume can be either 'random' or 'synchronised'. If sync at every event the number of particles in the interaction volume equals the rounded value of number. If 'random' the number of particles is Poissonian and number is the expectation value. (default 'synchronised')
position (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle (default None)
position_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
material_type (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default 'water')
massdensity (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
atomic_composition (dict):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
electron_density (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)

Get configuration in form of a dictionary. Another identically configured ParticleMap instance can be initialised by:

conf = P0.get_conf()            # P0: already existing ParticleMap instance
P1 = condor.ParticleMap(**conf) # P1: new ParticleMap instance with the same configuration as P0  

Return the current map

get_new_dn_map(O, dx_required, dx_suggested, photon_wavelength)[source]

Return the a new refractive index map


O (dict):Parameter dictionary as returned from condor.particle.particle_map.get_next()
dx_required (float):
 Required resolution (grid spacing) of the map. An error is raised if the resolution of the map has too low resolution
dx_suggested (float):
 Suggested resolution (grid spacing) of the map. If the map has a very high resolution it will be interpolated to a the suggested resolution value
photon_wavelength (float):
 Photon wavelength in unit meter
get_new_map(O, dx_required, dx_suggested)[source]

Return new map with given parameters


O (dict):Parameter dictionary as returned from condor.particle.particle_map.get_next()
dx_required (float):
 Required resolution (grid spacing) of the map. An error is raised if the resolution of the map has too low resolution
dx_suggested (float):
 Suggested resolution (grid spacing) of the map. If the map has a very high resolution it will be interpolated to a the suggested resolution value

Iterate the parameters and return them as a dictionary


Return the original map

set_custom_geometry_by_array(map3d, dx)[source]

Set map from numpy array

map3d (array):4D numpy array (material index, z, y, x) of float values. If a material is defined (material not None) the values of the map scale the complex refractive index of the material. If no material is defined (materials is None) the map will be casted to complex values and used without any rescaling.
dx (float):Grid spacing in unit meter
set_custom_geometry_by_emd_id(emd_id, offset=None, factor=None)[source]

Fetch map from the EMD by id code.

The map will be preprocessed by applying an offset and rescaling and by padding the water background with zeros.

Finally, the avereage value of the map will be rescaled by the refractive index of the associated material.

emd_id (str):EMD ID code.
offset (float):Offset value of the map (MAP = (EM_DATA + OFFSET) X FACTOR)
factor (float):Rescale factor of the map (MAP = (EM_DATA + OFFSET) X FACTOR)
set_custom_geometry_by_h5file(map3d_filename, map3d_dataset, dx)[source]

Load map from dataset in HDF5 file

If a material is defined (material_type is not None) the absolute values of the map will be rescaled by the complex refractive index of the material. If no material is defined (material_type=None) the map will be casted to complex values and used without any rescaling.

map3d_filename (str):
 Location of the HDF5 file that contains the map data
map3d_dataset (str):
 Dataset location in the file. The dataset must have three equal dimensions of float values.
dx:Grid spacing in unit meter
set_custom_geometry_by_mrcfile(filename, offset=None, factor=None)[source]

Read map from the MRC file (CCP4 file format, see

The map will be preprocessed by applying an offset and rescaling and by padding the water background with zeros.

Finally, the avereage value of the map will be rescaled by the refractive index of the associated material.

filename (str):Filename of MRC file.
offset (float):Offset value of the map (MAP = (EM_DATA + OFFSET) X FACTOR)
factor (float):Rescale factor of the map (MAP = (EM_DATA + OFFSET) X FACTOR)

condor.particle.particle_atoms module

class condor.particle.particle_atoms.ParticleAtoms(pdb_filename=None, pdb_id=None, atomic_numbers=None, atomic_positions=None, rotation_values=None, rotation_formalism=None, rotation_mode='extrinsic', number=1.0, arrival='synchronised', position=None, position_variation=None, position_spread=None, position_variation_n=None)[source]

Bases: condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle

Class for a particle model

Model: Discrete atomic positions

pdb_filename (str):
 See set_atoms_from_pdb_file() (default None)
pdb_id (str):See set_atoms_from_pdb_id() (default None)
atomic_numbers (array):
 See set_atoms_from_arrays() (default None)
atomic_positions (array):
 See set_atoms_from_arrays() (default None)


The atomic positions have to be specified either by a pdb_filename or by atomic_numbers and atomic_positions.

rotation_values (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_formalism (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
number (float):Expectation value for the number of particles in the interaction volume. (defaukt 1.)
arrival (str):Arrival of particles at the interaction volume can be either 'random' or 'synchronised'. If sync at every event the number of particles in the interaction volume equals the rounded value of number. If 'random' the number of particles is Poissonian and number is the expectation value. (default 'synchronised')
position (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle (default None)
position_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)

Return the two times the radius of gyration as an estimate for the extent (diameter) of the atomic structure


Return the array of atomic numbers


Return the array of atomic positions


Return the atomic standard weights in unified atomic mass unit (u)


Return the position of the center of mass \(\vec{r}_{\text{COM}}\)

Atomic structure of \(N\) atoms with masses \(m_i\) at the positions \(\vec{r}_i\)

\(\vec{r}_{\text{COM}} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^N{m_i \, \vec{r}_i}}{\sum_{i=0}^N{m_i}}\)


Get configuration in form of a dictionary. Another identically configured ParticleAtoms instance can be initialised by:

conf = P0.get_conf()                 # P0: already existing ParticleAtoms instance
P1 = condor.ParticleAtoms(**conf) # P1: new ParticleMolcule instance with the same configuration as P0  

Iterate the parameters and return them as a dictionary


Return the radius of gyration \(R_g\)

Atomic structure of \(N\) atoms with masses \(m_i\) at the positions \(\vec{r}_i\)

\(R_g = \fract{ \sqrt{ \sum_{i=0}^N{ \vec{r}_i-\vec{r}_{\text{COM}} } } }{ \sum_{i=0}^N{ m_i }}\)

set_atoms_from_arrays(atomic_numbers, atomic_positions)[source]

Specify atomic positions from atomic numbers and atomic positions

atomic_numbers (array):
 Integer array of atomic numbers specifies the element species of each atom. Array shape: (\(N\),) with \(N\) denoting the number of atoms.
atomic_position (array):
 Float array of atomic positions [\(x\), \(y\), \(z\)] in unit meter. Array shape: (\(N\), 3,) with \(N\) denoting the number of atoms

Specify atomic positions from a PDB file

The PDB file format is described here: <>

pdb_filename (str):
 Location of the PDB file

Fetch PDB file from the PDB database and specify atomic positions from the file


pdb_id:ID code of the PDB entry (4 digit long).

condor.particle.particle_sphere module

class condor.particle.particle_sphere.ParticleSphere(diameter, diameter_variation=None, diameter_spread=None, diameter_variation_n=None, number=1.0, arrival='synchronised', position=None, position_variation=None, position_spread=None, position_variation_n=None, material_type=None, massdensity=None, atomic_composition=None, electron_density=None)[source]

Bases: condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle

Class for a particle model

Model: Uniformly filled spherical particle (continuum approximation)

diameter (float):
 Sphere diameter
diameter_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
rotation_values (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_formalism (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
number (float):Expectation value for the number of particles in the interaction volume. (defaukt 1.)
arrival (str):Arrival of particles at the interaction volume can be either 'random' or 'synchronised'. If sync at every event the number of particles in the interaction volume equals the rounded value of number. If 'random' the number of particles is Poissonian and number is the expectation value. (default 'synchronised')
position (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle (default None)
position_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
material_type (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default 'water')
massdensity (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
atomic_composition (dict):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
electron_density (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)

Get configuration in form of a dictionary. Another identically configured ParticleMap instance can be initialised by:

conf = P0.get_conf()                 # P0: already existing ParticleSphere instance
P1 = condor.ParticleSpheroid(**conf) # P1: new ParticleSphere instance with the same configuration as P0  

Iterate the parameters and return them as a dictionary

condor.particle.particle_spheroid module

class condor.particle.particle_spheroid.ParticleSpheroid(diameter, diameter_variation=None, diameter_spread=None, diameter_variation_n=None, flattening=0.75, flattening_variation=None, flattening_spread=None, flattening_variation_n=None, rotation_values=None, rotation_formalism=None, rotation_mode='extrinsic', number=1.0, arrival='synchronised', position=None, position_variation=None, position_spread=None, position_variation_n=None, material_type='water', massdensity=None, atomic_composition=None, electron_density=None)[source]

Bases: condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle

Class for a particle model

Model: Uniformly filled spheroid particle (continuum approximation)

\(a\): radius (semi-diameter) perpendicular to the rotation axis of the ellipsoid \(c\): radius (semi-diameter) along the rotation axis of the ellipsoid

Before applying rotations the rotation axis is parallel to the the y-axis

diameter (float):
 Sphere diameter
diameter_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
diameter_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_diameter_variation() (default None)
flattening (float):
 (Mean) value of \(a/c\) (default 0.75)
flattening_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_spheroid.set_flattening_variation() (default None)
flattening_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_spheroid.set_flattening_variation() (default None)
flattening_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_spheroid.set_flattening_variation() (default None)
rotation_values (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_formalism (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
rotation_mode (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_alignment() (default None)
number (float):Expectation value for the number of particles in the interaction volume. (defaukt 1.)
arrival (str):Arrival of particles at the interaction volume can be either 'random' or 'synchronised'. If sync at every event the number of particles in the interaction volume equals the rounded value of number. If 'random' the number of particles is Poissonian and number is the expectation value. (default 'synchronised')
position (array):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle (default None)
position_variation (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_spread (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
position_variation_n (int):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractParticle.set_position_variation() (default None)
material_type (str):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default 'water')
massdensity (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
atomic_composition (dict):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)
electron_density (float):
 See condor.particle.particle_abstract.AbstractContinuousParticle.set_material() (default None)

Get configuration in form of a dictionary. Another identically configured ParticleMap instance can be initialised by:

conf = P0.get_conf()                 # P0: already existing ParticleSpheroid instance
P1 = condor.ParticleSpheroid(**conf) # P1: new ParticleSpheroid instance with the same configuration as P0  

Iterate the parameters and return them as a dictionary

set_flattening_variation(flattening_variation, flattening_spread, flattening_variation_n)[source]

Set the variation scheme of the flattening parameter

flattening_variation (str):

Variation of the particle flattening

Choose one of the following options:

  • None - No variation
  • 'normal' - Normal (Gaussian) variation
  • 'uniform' - Uniformly distributed flattenings
  • 'range' - Equidistant sequence of particle-flattening samples within the spread limits. flattening_variation_n defines the number of samples within the range
flattening_spread (float):

Statistical spread of the parameter

flattening_variation_n (int):

Number of particle-flattening samples within the specified range


The argument flattening_variation_n takes effect only if flattening_variation='range'

Module contents