Coodrinate system¶
Positions in three dimensional space are described in a right-handed cartesian coordinate system with \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\) axis. In the lab reference frame \(x\) and \(y\) are often referred to by horizontal and vertical coordinate, respectively. The \(z\) axis is codirectional with the primary beam propagation.
Rotations follow the right hand rule and can be expressed by quaternions, Euler angles or rotation matrices. For more details about the implementation of rotations see condor.utils.rotation
Representations of non-scalar variables¶
Vectors \(\vec{v}=(x, y, z)\) are repesented by numpy arrays \([x, y, z]\).
Two-dimensional matrices \(M_{i, j}\) (row index \(i\); column index \(j\)) are represented by two-dimensional numpy arrays \(M[i, j]\) (\(j\) being the fastest changing dimension).
Grid data¶
Two-dimensional (e.g. image) data \(D(x,y)\) are represented by two-dimensional numpy arrays \(D[y, x]\) (\(x\) being the fastest changing dimension).
Three-dimensional volume data \(D(x,y,z)\) are represented by numpy arrays \(D[z, y, x]\) (\(x\) being the fastest and \(z\) being the slowest changing dimension).
Quaternions \(q = w + ix + jy + kz\) are represented by numpy arrays \([w, x, y, z]\) and represent rotations around the unit vector \(\vec{u} = (u_x,u_y,u_z)\) by the angle \(\theta\):
Physical units¶
All physical variables are in (derived) SI units if not stated otherwise in the variable name.