
Findings at the speed of light
Germany’s BMBF popular science report, March, 2019
Study on Pithovirus in Japanese newspapers
Nikkei, 6 Nov, 2017
Mainichi, 18 Nov, 2017
Yomiuri, 24 Nov, 2017
Die Offenbarung des Exeffiel
Der Spiegel 32/2017
Die Lichtmaschine
Zu Besuch beim teuersten Experiment Deutschlands
Spiegel Online, 02 April 2017
X-ray lasers: Dealing with diffraction data
Nature Photonics, 31 August 2016
Uppsalaforskarens virusbild prisad
Interview by PRX Public Radio Exchange, Cambridge MA, USA, 2015
The X-Men
Interview by Vetenskapsradion, a program of the Swedish Radio, 2012
Forskare skapar 3D-bilder av virus
Uppsala Nya Tidning (UNT), 18 January 2016
Uppsala-taken picture of giant virus named one of the best science images in the world
Press Release by Uppsala University, 15 January 2016
365 days: The best science images of 2015
Nature – News, 17 December 2015
X-rays reveal virus innards
Nature Research Highlights, 12 March 2015
Researchers snap giant virus in 3-D
Press release by the European XFEL, 4 March 2015
Forscher schießen 3D-Röntgenbild von Riesenvirus
Pressemitteilung von DESY, 3 March 2015
Researchers snap giant virus in 3-D
Press release by DESY, 3 March 2015
X-Ray Imaging of a Single Virus in 3D
Viewpoint on, 2 March 2015
Guts of giant virus imaged in 3D
Nature – News, 2 March 2015
3D-bild av jättevirus skapad med röntgenlaser
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 2 March 2015
Giant virus revealed in 3D using x-ray laser
Press release by Uppsala Universitet, 2 March 2015
Giant Virus Revealed in 3-D Using X-ray Laser
Press release by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2 March 2015
A look at the world’s most powerful X-ray laser
BBC report about the LCLS, 16 February 2015
Röntgenlaser durchleuchtet lebende Bakterien
Pressemitteilung des DESY, 11 February 2015
Taking high-speed snapshots of living cells with an X-ray laser
Press release by DESY, 11 February 2015
Levande bakterier avbildas med röntgenlaser
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 11 February 2015
Live bacterium depicted using X-ray laser
Press release by Uppsala University, 11 February 2015
Scientists Take First X-ray Portraits of Living Bacteria at the LCLS
Press release by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 11 February 2015
Scientists Take X-Ray Photographs of Live Bacteria for the First Time Ever
Popular Mechanics, New York, USA, 2015
Wissenschaftler röntgen winzige Organellen von Bakterien
Pressemitteilung des DESY und des European XFEL, 18 November 2014
Scientists X-ray Tiny Organelles of Bacteria
Press release by DESY and the European XFEL, 18 November 2014
SLAC X-ray Laser Brings Key Cell Structures into Focus
Press release by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 17 November 2014
Röntgenlaser kan visa mångfalden hos cellens byggstenar
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 17 November 2014
Scientists X-ray tiny cell organelles responsible for carbon fixation
Press release by Uppsala Universitet, 17 November 2014
Milestones in Crystallography
Nature Milestones in Crystallography: Milestone 25 (2000s) X-ray free electron lasers
How Science Determined the Structure of Solids [Time Line]
Scientific American, 18 July 2014
Returning to Sweden: Filipe Maia describes his research
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, 2013
Brighter, Smaller, Faster
The Scientist, 1 February 2013
First Protein Structure from an X-ray Laser
Science – News, 12 December 2012
News Flash: X-ray Laser Produces First Protein Structure
Science/AAAS – News, 30 November 2012
cga4zeyms3vbltuwngyw_sqRöntgenlaser Användbar i Kampen mot Sömnsjuka
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 30 November 2012
Forskare skapar 3D-bilder av virus
Sveriges Radio – Vetenskapsradion, 4 March 2012
Röntgenlaser Avslöjar Proteinernas Värld i 3D
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 1 June 2012
hdlsp9ka2iizk5mpzcmbja_sqExtreme X-Ray Pulses Create Unique Image of Intact Virus
Press release from Uppsala University, 2 February 2012
Extrema Röntgenpulser Skapar Unik Bild av ett Intakt Virus
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 2011-02-02
Röntgenlaser Avbildar Livets Kärna
Projektanslag Wallenberg Stiftelse 2011
xfelClose Cooperation Agreed Between European XFEL and Uppsala University
News from the European XFEL, 19 October 2010
Dem Tanz der Atome zusehen
Zuericher Zeitung, 27 September 2009
Schuesse in den Nanokosmos
Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 20 September 2009
World’s First X-ray Laser Powers Up
Science/AAAS – News, 3 August 2009
Logo_of_Uppsala_UniversityTvå Nya Forskarskolor till Uppsala Universitet
Pressmeddelande från Uppsala Universitet, 28 November 2007
Free-electron lasers: the next generation
New Scientist, 21 January 2006
Into Uncharted Waters
Nature – Lifelines, 22 May 2003
Battle to Become the Next-Generation X-ray Source
Science – News, 15 November 2002
The Ultimate Bright Idea
Science – News, 10 May 2002
Shorter, Brighter, Better
Nature – News Feature, 10 January 2002
Molecular Structures from Femtosecond X-Ray Pulses
PNAS – Commentary, 5 June 2001