Condor – Simulation of Diffraction Patterns

Condor is a Python software package that simulates diffraction images of objects ranging from single proteins to whole cells.

Simulated diffraction patterns of a uniform icosahedron in three different orientations.

Simulated diffraction patterns of a uniform icosahedron in three different orientations.

Beam time at X-ray free electron lasers is precious and therefore we require an optimised set up well before the measurement starts. Data prediction is a key ingredient to successfully designing the experiment. Condor simulates diffraction patterns for a given sample and experimental arrangement and allows to judge the expected data quality and test algorithms for image reconstruction and data classification before data collection.

The easiest way to use Condor is by submitting simulations with the web interface to our computer cluster. For more advanced usage please download and install the Python package from its git repository. The code is available under the GNU General Public License.