Imaging and X-ray matter interaction

X-ray lasers are creating new capabilities in understanding the structure of biological systems, complex materials and matter under extreme conditions.

We develop sample handling techniques for container-less single particle imaging at high throughput and low noise.

We attempt to overcome the need for crystals in structural biology and develop methods to solve structures from single-particle diffraction patterns produced with X-ray lasers.

We study the structure of virus particles by flash-diffractive imaging, atomic-force microscopy and other imaging methods.

Model-based methodologies are developed where the continuous heterogeneity and signal-to-noise levels would otherwise preclude reconstruction at the resolution desired.
Structural biology

We study the fixation of CO2 in plants and some bacteria. The process is catalysed by the protein Rubisco, which is the most abundant enzyme on the earth.

We study the biosynthetic pathways of some natural antibiotics with the aim to develop routes to new improved antibiotics.

We study structural and functional properties of a series of archaeal proteins involved in central cellular processes and also the first actin cytoskeleton described for Archaea.
Algorithms and software development

Iterative algorithms are deployed to reconstruct projection images and 3D density maps of particles from the recorded diffraction data.

The Hawk software package contains implementations of phase retrieval algorithms that reconstruct the real space image from its oversampled far-field diffraction pattern.
Condor – Simulation of Diffraction Patterns
Condor is a simulation tool that predicts diffraction patterns from a given atomic configuration such as a protein structure or from a given low-resolution density map.

Condor is a simulation tool that predicts diffraction patterns from a given atomic configuration such as a protein structure or from a given low-resolution density map.
Hummingbird – Data analysis in real time
Hummingbird is a software package for monitoring and analysing flash X-ray imaging experiments in real time.

Hummingbird is a software package for monitoring and analysing flash X-ray imaging experiments in real time.
Scientific data

CXIDB is dedicated to further the goal of making data from Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) experiments available to all, as well as archiving it. The website also serves as the reference for the CXI file format, in which most of the experimental data on the database is stored in.
Owl – Visualisation of Diffraction Data
Owl is a versatile visualisation tool for large collections of diffraction patterns and other data related to diffraction experiments stored in the CXI file format.

Owl is a versatile visualisation tool for large collections of diffraction patterns and other data related to diffraction experiments stored in the CXI file format.