Advanced Scientific Programming with Python 
A course targeted towards PhD students from all disciplines who regularly use programming in their research.

A course targeted towards PhD students from all disciplines who regularly use programming in their research.
RACIRI Summer School, 24 – 31 August 2014, Stockholm
Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences.

1MB700 – Bioinformatics Starting Course
Daniel Larsson teaches the cell and molecular biology module in the starting course for the Masters Program in Bioinformatics.

Daniel Larsson teaches the cell and molecular biology module in the starting course for the Masters Program in Bioinformatics.
Biophysics Seminar Series
Seminar Series held on Thursdays at 15:00, in the Lunchroom B9:1. Topics include progress reports on current research projects, ideas about future projects, paper discussions, educational lectures and tutorials.

Seminar Series held on Thursdays at 15:00, in the Lunchroom B9:1. Topics include progress reports on current research projects, ideas about future projects, paper discussions, educational lectures and tutorials.